Monday, October 20, 2008

Pain? What Pain?

Those of you, who know me, know that I have a plethora of health problems. I have been asked how I deal with such difficulties on a daily basis. One way is that I refuse to acknowledge the pain. I am not saying that it is not there but I refuse to let it be all I think of and will not be all consumed by it. My husband says that I hide my pain from him and that I lie and say I am not in pain, but I do not see it that way. There are many days when the best I can do is make it downstairs to my desk. But I have to say, “Well at least I can do that!” by not acknowledging the pain I don’t let it have power over me. I think about it, if you sit around and say; “Oh I hurt so bad, oh I am having a bad day, oh, poor Me.” you are giving in to the pain. Don’t even say these things to yourself. Don’t allow yourself to get mentally downed out but it. Smile! Be happy! You are here and alive! Do not let it (pain) win! I am not saying that you should bury your head in the sand and pretend you have nothing wrong with you, because you should take your meds and learn all you can about your illnesses. Read message boards, newsgroups and blogs about people who share your illness. You may find new treatments there and you will certainly find not only a sympathetic ear but you will find that you are not the only one experiencing what you are. Knowledge is power too!

Ok after having said all this, I want you to know that I am not always successful in my fight. I do have the occasional “blue day” and feel sorry for myself but I try to keep those at a minimum. These feelings are not constructive and do nothing but make things worse.

…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess 5:18

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Very First Time

Oh what the heck! Everyone else is doing it so I figured I would start a blog of my own. I am not arrogant enough to think that everyone needs to know how I feel about everything, nor do I have a fatal disease that I need to keep people posted about. (Although I do have a few that make my life miserable at times but I will get to that later. ) I am really doing this for my own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of my family. I have funny thoughts at times (I see myself like “Arthur” minus the always drunk part!) and what some would call a strange way of looking at things. I am not always funny though, my husband calls me Eeyore more often than I would like to admit. i think I am mostly a positive and upbeat person.
My son wants me to write down the story of my life but I do not feel that I have adequate skills to do that right now. I am looking forward to getting some experience writing and defining and refining my style. The more you do something, the better you get at it...RIGHT? I guess we will just have to see!